AA Committee Roles

The AA Ringette Calgary Committee meets at the beginning of the season for the AGM, and every 1- 2 months for the duration of the season. Three members from each team are expected to attend and to volunteer for specific executive, committee or sub-committee roles as available. Team reps help to relay important details between the AA committee and their teams. Managers are also encouraged to attend committee meetings.

Role summaries are listed below. For full descriptions, please see Policy 3 of AA Ringette Calgary Policies. Roles filled in a particular season are at the discretion of the Executive Board.


  • Assumes the general management, supervision, evaluation and reporting of the operation and affairs of the Board of Directors and the
    AA Committee, including oversight of coach selection committee, grievances, tryout/evaluation and team selection process.
  • Chairs AA Committee meetings and represents Calgary AA Committee on Ringette Calgary’s Board.
  • Attends meetings as necessary for city, provincial, national, or other ringette bodies.

Past President

  • Acts as President at the AGM for the AA Committee, and chairs that meeting until a new president is appointed or elected. Remains on the Board to provide advice and direction regarding past practices and procedures to the new President and other Board Members, attending meetings as required.

VP League

  • Oversees duties that pertain to league or team function:
  • Represents AA Ringette Calgary at Chinook Ringette League and Black Gold League meetings.
  • Ensures all Code of Conduct forms for coaches, parents and athletes are signed, submitted and stored for the required time period.
  • Oversees the following AA Ringette Calgary roles: Equipment Manager, Ice Allocator, Athlete Development, Goalie Development, Coach Administration, Parent Administration, Manager Mentor, Safety Lead, Junior Coach Program, and Esso Golden Ring Representatives.

VP Finance

  • Working with the Treasurer, oversees AA Ringette Calgary and individual team finances and related reports.
  • Oversees the following AA Ringette Calgary Volunteer Roles:  Fundraising Coordinator, Sponsorship Coordinator, and Casino Coordinator.


  • Prepares full and accurate accounts and status of all receipts and disbursements of the Foundation, including an annual budget or other financial reports for approval.
  • Tracks the progress of financials against the approved budget, presenting details at committee and executive meetings.
  • Delivers all books of accounts and other financial documents to the appointed auditor as requested.
  • Deals with funds as required for the proper financial operation of the Foundation or as required by the Board of Directors or the AA Committee.

VP Operations

  • Responsible for duties involved in overall program operation, on the association level and as the association operation pertains to teams.
  • Oversees the following AA Ringette Calgary Committee Volunteer roles: Registrar, Webmaster, Social Media Coordinator, Tournament Coordinator, Teamwear & Logo, Tryouts, Universal Athlete Assessment, Team Photo Coordinator, Banquet, Awards, Spring Intro Skate, Ring It On, and Provincials Coordinator.


  • Sends out notices of upcoming Board and AA Committee meetings, and attends all Board of Directors and AA Committee meetings to accurately record meeting proceedings.
  • Distributes meeting minutes to attendees as needed, and maintains an accurate mailing/contact list of all AA Committee members.
  • Collects and files annual and season-specific documents from the Board of Directors, the AA committee or AA sub-committees, and as required under the Societies Act.


Volunteer Positions

Equipment Manager

  • Purchases, distributes and manages AA game jerseys and pants, rings, shot clocks/accessories, medical bags (at beginning of season), evaluation pinnies and any other AA accessories and equipment.
  • Ensures the return of all equipment as required, arranges for the repair, storage and cleaning of equipment, and maintains inventory records.
  • Prepares a list of required equipment purchases for budget approval.

Ice Allocator

  • Responsible for the acquisition of ice rentals for AA Ringette Calgary teams, the allocation of ice time for each team, and redistribution of unused ice time.
  • Reports to the VP League and VP Finance regarding the cost and allocation of ice rentals, and ensures payment is made for all ice acquired.

Athlete Development

  • Obtains suitable dryland training provider(s) and act as a liaison between these providers and the teams, allocating sessions per team and collecting feedback on use during the season.

Goalie Development

  • Assists with obtaining specialized goalie training, working with teams to schedule as needed.

Coach Administration

  • Coming soon

Parent Administration

  • Coming soon

Manager Mentor

  • Coming soon

Safety Lead

  • Coming soon

Junior Coach Program

  • Coming soon

Esso Golden Ring Representative

  • Reporting to the VP League, attends all meetings of the EGR Committee, and undertakes any duties assigned.
  • Helps ensure that the required volunteers for the EGR are provided by each AA team.

Fundraising Coordinator

  • Implements fundraising initiatives as approved by AA Committee, and works with the Treasurer and VP Finance (and sub-committee if needed).
  • Plans and administers fundraising budget, including disbursement of funds, submission of expenses, and reporting funds raised.
  • Oversees the planning and execution of initiatives, and ensures fundraising is legally and procedurally compliant with required licenses obtained.
  • Ensures initiatives are properly advertised and the Calgary AA committee is informed of progress.
  • Completes reports required by the AA Committee, sponsors, donors, and/or the AGLC.

Sponsorship Coordinator

  • Reporting to VP Finance, solicits and maintains sponsorship opportunities to offset the cost of the AA program.
  • Ensures marketing objectives are met and works with Communications Coordinator to ensure brand consistency, including developing and updating sponsorship packages as needed.

Casino Coordinator

  • Prepares and files the required pre- and post-casino paperwork, which includes the Casino License Application and the Casino financial report, reporting details on paperwork and scheduling volunteers to the VP Finance and the AA Committee.
  • Obtains the necessary casino volunteers from AA teams, and completes and files the required paperwork for these volunteers; schedules and informs volunteers.
  • Works with a Casino Advisor as funded by the Foundation.


  • Operates the registration system and advises on registration deadlines.
  • Notifies the AA Ringette Calgary community of tryout registration deadlines and fees.
  • Provides list of registered athletes to division coordinators and Ringette Calgary sub-associations.
  • Coordinates affiliation requests.


  • Updates, communicates and promotes AA program, team, volunteer and event information on the AA Ringette Calgary website in line with program operation needs, brand identity and core values.
  • Helps ensure accuracy, continuity and format presentation in program documents, especially those placed on the website or used for promotion, and maintains document storage.
  • Posts AA team photos each season on website and related photo platform (i.e. Flickr).
  • Maintains website backend administration and security, including related platforms, email server, and mailing list databases.

Social Media Coordinator

  • Oversees association/team social media accounts to ensure program and brand continuity and protocols followed.
  • Uses specified platforms (i.e. X, Facebook, Instagram) to promote and communicate program information, and to represent and connect the AA program within the larger ringette community.

Tournament Coordinator

  • Submits applications to first session tournaments on behalf of teams.
  • Arranges for hotel room blocks and bus travel for first session tournaments on behalf of teams.

Teamwear & Logo

  • Coming soon


  • Coming soon

Universal Athlete Assessments

  • Coming soon

Team Photo Coordinator

  • Working with VP Operations, obtains photography vendor, determines photo package and books facility for team photos.
  • Schedules teams into photo time slots and informs team managers/coaches.
  • Oversees photo day, arranges payment and collects completed photos/digital package for teams and Webmaster.

Banquet Coordinator

  • With volunteers from each team, plans, coordinates and manages all aspects of the year-end banquet including: selecting date, venue, and caterer; working with the Treasurer for placing deposits and paying expenses; obtaining appropriate insurance and licenses; developing the program schedule, along with arranging MCs and any entertainment or guest speakers; planning décor and any media, audiovisual or other equipment needed; organizing event volunteers; confirming the attendee list and ticket payment.


  • Coming soon

Spring into Skate

  • Coming soon

Ring It On

  • Coming soon

Provincials Coordinator

  • If hosting Provincials that season, chairs Provincials Committee made up of several team reps
  • Organizes and oversees planning and execution for Provincials Championships, including budget, facilities, hotels, scheduling, programs, sponsorships, coordinating with other ringette associations, etc.
  • Holds regularly-scheduled sub-committee meetings leading up to Provincials event; follow up after event for payments, reporting, etc.

Upcoming Events

Feb. 26, 2025 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

AA Ringette Calgary Committee Meeting
Flames Community Arena

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Feb. 28, 2025 7:00 AM to Mar. 02, 2025 5:00 PM

Alberta Provincial Championships
Zone 2 Hosting

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Mar. 17, 2025 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

AA Ringette Calgary Committee Meeting
Flames Community Arena

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